Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Designing iPhone Apps on a Closed Platform

Even the best iPhone app developers have to abide by the rules. That means working within Apple’s closed platform system, over which they have control. Any content or applications that are going to the App Store will be sold through Apple. A closed platform is often referred to as a “walled garden” approach and the best iPhone app developers will be able to work within these parameters, building an app that fits your vision. The top app developers won’t have unrestricted access to the system, which will create a bit of a dead end in that a consumer will have to have certain apps on their phones. The stocks app on the iPhone is an excellent example: it might not be something you specifically will use, but a mobile app development company is very limited in terms of getting rid of it.

As with anything else, there are benefits and limitations to designing iPhone apps on a closed platform system. In Pakistan, app developers recognize both and take designing iPhone apps for what it is: a way to put fun, creative things in the hands of consumers, whether it’s a game or something meant to help them manage their lives. One of the biggest benefits of designing iPhone apps on a closed platform is that it monitors what’s being done. Only the best apps will be approved and put up for download in the App Store. They’ll be assigned ratings, to keep kids from playing the shooter games that are appropriate for older consumers.

Another big benefit that a mobile app development company will recognize is the quality of the software. Designing iPhone apps on a closed platform eliminate malware or viruses that can sometimes be associated with downloading apps. Would Angry Birds have gotten so popular if it didn’t work right? Absolutely not. The top app developers test their apps on the iOS, ensuring it will run without these issues.

There are also limitations to designing iPhone apps on a closed platform. Some think it limits creativity and personalization, which is a very important part of how smartphones and tablets have evolved. A consumer wants to be able to create a personalized experience with notes, reminders, events, games, and more. While this much is possible, Pakistan app developers have to fight hard to get their applications seen.

Apple has, at this point, no plans to develop phones without a closed operating system. A mobile app development company follows all updates closely, allowing the top app developers to keep up with their own programs. A closed platform offers the same opportunities as an open one, and it’s something the best iPhone app developers have to master before they can even think about getting their apps in the store.

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